The Core Worlds

Slaves to Darkness Spearhead


Tomorrow's Spearhead tournament at my friendly local gaming store was the motivation I needed to crack on and finish painting my Slaves to Darkness Spearhead.

I like the look of the models, but the Knights have a lot of fiddly bits which took ages to deal with along with "fun" little gaps to try to get the brush in. The Chariot had similar issues and I wish I'd done the driver as a second subassembly and not glued it to the base until after it was painted. Every day is a new lesson when painting miniatures!

The metalwork is Darkstar Blue Steel followed by a 50/50 mix of Black Templar and Contrast Medium. I kinda wish I'd left the blackening off — it's a classic look but the Blue Steel paint is gorgeous (and pretty dark) by itself.

The cloaks are Flesh Tearers Red followed by highlights with Model Color Flat Red and Amaranth Red with some Glaze Medium to slow down the drying process. My blending skills definitely improved as I worked my way through the box.